[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]A cura di Antonella Delle Fave
Part 1 – Well-being and culture
1) Patterns of psychological well-being and satisfaction with life in cultural context, M.P. Wissing, J.A.B. Wissing, M.M. du Toit and Q.M. Temane
2) The componential nature of materialistic values and subjective well-being: a comparison of students in Croatia, Germany, and the UK, J.F. Jankovic and H. Dittmar
3) What makes Croats happy? Predictors of happiness in a representative sample, L. Kaliterna Lipovcan and Z. Prizmic Larsen
4) What makes us happy? A study on the subjective representation of happiness components, D. Galati, I. Sotgiu and V. Iovino
5) Positive emotional experience in Scottish and Italian young adults: summary findings, scientific issues and the way forward, E. Duncan, I. Grazzani-Gavazzi and D. Sheffield
6) Extrinsic vs. intrinsic life goals, psychological needs and life satisfaction, M. Rijavec, I. Brdar and D. Miljkovic
Part 2 – Well-being and human development
7) Differing personal development challenge and appropriate self help strategies for differing personality types, J. Henry
8) Affective and interpersonal self-regulatory efficacy beliefs as determinants of subjective well-being, G.V. Caprara and P. Steca
9) Resilience and perceived parental acceptance among Italian children, A.L. Comunian
10) Meaning, adjustment, and autodetermination in adolescence, E. Kaliteyevskaya, I. Borodkina, D. Leontiev and E. Osin
11) The daily experience of Italian adolescents in family interactions: gender and developmental issues, M. Bassi and A. Delle Fave
12) Children’s explanatory style in France: psychometric properties of the children’s Attributional Style Questionnaire and reliability of a shorter version, M. Salama-Younes,, C. Martin-Krumm, S.J. Hanrahan and C. Roncin
Part 3 – Well-being at work
13) The positive impact of high quality leader-member exchange on career-related hope, M. Pizer and C.E.J. Härtel
14) Moral courage in the workplace: self-regulation as the cornerstone to virtuous action, L.E. Sekerka and R.P. Bagozzi
15) Positive disobedience: when norms prescribe the exclusion of dissimilar others, D. Panipucci and C.E.J. Härtel
16) Work-related vigor and job satisfaction relationships with inflammation biomarkers among employed adults, A. Shirom, S. Toker, S. Berliner, I Shapira and S. Melamed
Part 4 – Educational models and interventions
17) Personal Synthesis Program: bringing psychology to education, N. Popovic and I. Boniwell
18) Self-regulated learning in distance education students: preliminary data, A.E. Sánchez, E. Fernández and P.J. Amor
19) Teachers’ style during error management. a positive paradigm for pupils’ learning processes, O. Albanese, C. Fiorilli and E. Farina
20) The need for “shared challenges”: successful training experiences among former school dropouts, L. Bonica and V. Sappa
21) Levels of criteria specificity and the promise of a reward: effects on the judged creativity of the product, I. Corko and A. Vranic
22) Leisure experience and positive development of adolescents: from theory to intervention, T. Freire
23) Optimism in sports: an explanatory style approach, C.P. Martin-Krumm, P.G. Sarrazin, C. Peterson and M. Salama-Younes
Part 5 – Health and well-being promotion
24) Positive Therapy: the interface of positive psychology and psychotherapy, S. Joseph and P.A. Linley
25) Comparison and integration of positive psychology, psychoanalytic theory, and existential psychotherapy, M.M. Mustelier
26) Hope, resilience and coping among asthmatic adolescents, M. Sehgal
27) Subjective Well-Being Training to increase happiness, G.F. Goldwurm, M. Baruffi and F. Colombo
28) Long-term impacts of mindfulness practice on well-being: new findings from qualitative research, C. Mace
29) The power of stress: a salutogenic model of intervention, M.E. Magrin, C. Bruno, S. Gheno, M. Scrignaro and V. Viganò
30) Emotional intelligence and mood regulation following the attack of September 11, 2001 in the United States, R.J. Larsen and C. Lerner
Part 6 – Interdisciplinary perspectives
31) Assumptions in psychology and ideological shifts in society: a challenge for positive psychology, H.E. Nafstad, E. Carlquist, I.S. Aasen and R.M. Blakar
32) Meaningful living and the worlds of art, D. Leontiev
33) The role of spirituality in attaining well-being: the approach of Sanatana Dharma, S.K. Kiran Kumar
34) Complicato, ma non troppo: a small nonlinear model and the good life, D. Schuldberg
35) Buddhist psychology and positive psychology, M.G.T. Kwee and M.K. Taams[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”859″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row]